This game was created as part of my masters course.

In this module we were presented with three prompts and given free reign to make a game as we saw fit around one of them. This game is a take on hide-and-seek. It is a multiplayer game intended for LAN but can be used over the internet using port forwarding. Two players enter a level and must find each other. When they see each other they use a "death stare" to eliminate the other player. There are three types of power ups in the game to help the players.

  • Dash: Let's the player dash a short distance and through objects.
  • Sky Beacon: Spawn a large beacon above the other player to show where they are.
  • X-Ray: As the name suggets this let's the player see through objects to find the other.
For this project I was the main progammer and focused on netcode. The game uses a client-server architecture and uses Unity Netcode For Gameobjects to handle the low level networking.


As this project was created with a team I am not at liberty to distribute the source code but a build is avaliable here. (NOTE: It requires two users to get past the lobby. This can be another player or the same program opened twice.)
