A Mile in Their Shoes

This game was created as part of my 3rd year module Professional Project, DES310.

In this module, we are tasked with creating a multi-disciplinary team and making a game for a real client. For this project our client was CHAS. They wanted a game that discussed what it is like living with a sibling with a life-shortening condition. As we had no creative guidelines other than to spread their message we decided to make a platformer game in the same vein as Celeste. After the module, the project received funding to fix outstanding bugs and optimise for lower-end platforms. The project has since been published by CHAS and will be used in high schools throughout Scotland to replace their existing program for educating students about what CHAS does. Below is the trailer for the game and the interview I gave alongside CHAS, some team members and Dr Andrew Reid for Abertay to use for the promotion of the game.


As this game belongs to CHAS I cannot distribute the source code. If you would like to download the game it is avaliable on itch.io and linked below.
